Age Groups and Schedule

Toddlers (1.5-2.5 years)

These are our little researchers and inquisitive persons whom we actively support in the knowledge of the surrounding world. They strive to be independent, they play a lot and enjoy doing it.

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Toddlers (2.5-3.5 years)

These are our still small, but already quite independent guys. They actively show emotions, love to play, begin to make friends. Their day is filled with various and quite serious activities. They can do a lot and they have a lot to do.

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Preschool (3.5-4.5 years)

These are not small, but not big girls and boys. Our "why" kids. They reflect and learn with interest the rules of behavior, invent a lot, fantasize and dream.

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Kindergarten (4.5-6 years)

These are already big children. They move well and confidently, know a lot and remember even more. They solve intellectual problems with interest and are engaged in creative work. Their games are filled with various plots and emotional experiences. They meet real friends.

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