
Hello! We glad to see you!

At Chamomile Playhouse, we believe young children learn best through play, and we provide a loving, calming, and nurturing play-based learning environment with purpose.

Children are “naturally” motivated to play, and play-based programs build on this motivation. It is through play that children learn to explore and solve problems in imaginative, fun, natural and intuitive ways.

At Chamomile Playhouse, we believe young children learn “best” when they are mentally and physically active, engaged, and social, which are all characteristics of play-based learning. Our approach involves both child-initiated and teacher-supported learning. Play can be in the form of free play, as well as “guided play” where the teacher is involved in the activity as a co-player in what’s called “purposeful play.”

Chamomile Playhouse recognizes the fascination associated with play in early childhood, and provides a nurturing and peaceful environment to let children’s imagination and confidence blossom!

Our curriculum